Monday, December 8, 2008

"...increased bonhomie..."

A political hot-shot speechwriter attends a party, and pretends to grope the breast of a life-size cardboard image of Senator Hillary Clinton. The image is posted on Facebook.

Groping Miss Hillary

Do you think that this rising star of a political wordsmith was fired for engaging in frat-boy behavior that harkens back to some of the worst "good old boy" days? Or do you think that he has been "blacklisted" by feminist groups or other such political or civil-rights entities?

Nope. Because the groper is Jon Favreau (not the actor), speechwriter for President-elect Barack Obama. And because of that, he apparently gets a pass on his laddie behavior. In fact, Senator Clinton's team is using the photo to demonstrate that the primary-season rivalry between Clinton and Obama has been smoothed over: "Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines cast the photos as evidence of increased bonhomie between the formerly rival camps."

And hey, I've got no problem with Favreau's stunt: people engage in such silly behavior all the time. Doesn't mean he's a sexist pig; doesn't mean that he's a bad guy. Men AND women engage in such nonsense all the time - in jest. There's a time and place for light-hearted fun, even if it is offensive on some level or to some people. Favreau would never attempt such a groping with the real Senator Clinton (one commenter pointed out that even Bill doesn't dare get that close), and politically, I suspect that Favreau admires Clinton and wouldn't hesitate to write speeches for her.

But let's face it: if this guy had been the speechwriter for, say, John McCain or Sarah Palin, or a staffer for the RNC, or a political strategist for anyone OTHER than President-elect Barack Obama, he would have been thrown under the bus in an instant. Outrage would be order of the day, and it would be the lead story on the cable-news outlets for at least a day or two.


  1. Proud to be the 1st to follow NOT Greater Falls. You are in my reader now, and look forward to your posts. As always...thanks for the contact with my hometown.

    The post just shows you to be aware of what you post "out there" and be aware of what your friends may post as well. Are you going to be on Twitter also?

  2. I think it's telling that a top man in the Obama administration knows so little about women. His hand is completely missing it's mark.

  3. The other guy is a real romeo, too. He thinks he's blowing in her ear, but he's really just dislodging her contact lenses.

  4. How funny. It amazes me as to how a person's true feelings come out, isn't it? This post is amazingly familiar. . .

    Once again, divisiveness trumps unity. Too bad.

  5. Chuck- I think you missed the points above. I think everyone is in agreement that the controversy is too much over nothing.

  6. I say this post is plagiarism in the First Degree. Of course you had to read my mind when your wrote this because it's exactly what I thought but didn't have time to get it written out. Great post Greater Falls. Congrats on the new blog.

  7. "But let's face it: if this guy had been the speechwriter for, say, John McCain or Sarah Palin, or a staffer for the RNC, or a political strategist for anyone OTHER than President-elect Barack Obama, he would have been thrown under the bus in an instant. Outrage would be order of the day, and it would be the lead story on the cable-news outlets for at least a day or two."

    What point did I miss, again, please?
